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How to create a micro-frontend with React?

Ragu is completely compatible with React. This article will teach you how to expose a micro-frontend using react. You must have a React project set up. If you don't have one, we recommend you to start one using create-react-app.

Installing dependencies#

You must have both ragu-cli and ragu-server-adapter to expose your micro-frontends.

yarn add ragu-cli ragu-react-server-adapter --dev

The micro-frontend file#

The micro-frontend file follow the same guidelines described at the Micro-frontends section the only difference is that when using React you must export a default function that returns a React element.

  1. Create the micro-frontend file.

    export default () => <div>
    Hello, World!
  2. Now use ragu-cli to start the development server:

    yarn ragu-cli dev --file my-mfe.js
  3. Check the micro-frontend live http://localhost:3100/preview

    Code Example

    The code of the examples above can be found here.

Exposing a React Component#

You also can return a React component.

const HelloWorld = () => <div>
Hello, World!
export default () => <HelloWorld />
Code Example

The code of the examples above can be found here.

Receiving Parameters#

The previous example outputs a Hello, World micro-frontend. Let's say, instead of Hello, World we want to receive the name which the micro-frontend will say Hello to.

  1. Create a micro-frontend file.

    const HelloWorld = ({name}) => <div>
    Hello, {name}!
    export default ({params}) => <HelloWorld name={} />
  2. Start the ragu development server.

    yarn ragu-cli dev --file my-mfe.js
  3. Open the preview page providing the name query parameter http://localhost:3100/preview?name=Ragu.

    Code Example

    The code of the examples above can be found here.

Server Side Rendering#

To enable SSR you should provide the --ssrEnabled flag. With this flag Ragu will start to return the micro-frontend HTML rendered from server.


This section describes how to enable SSR at your React micro-frontend. For more information about Ragu and SSR take a look at the Server Side Rendering section.

The state file#

Let's say you want your micro-frontend to perform an async operation, fetching a request for example. You can use a state file for this purpose.

The state file must export a default function that returns a Promise. Properties received by the state function are the same described at Micro-frontend API.

  1. Create the state file

    export default async ({params}) => {
    if (!params.number) {
    return null;
    const pokemonResponse = await fetch(`${params.number}`);
    const pokemonResponseBody = await pokemonResponse.json();
    return {
  2. Receive the state into the micro-frontend function.

    const HelloWorld = ({number, name}) => <div>
    The pokemon number {number} is called {name}
    export default ({params, state}) =>{
    if (!params.number) {
    return <div>You must specify a pokémon <strong>number</strong></div>
    return <HelloWorld number={params.number} name={} />;
  3. Starts the development server using the SSR mode.

    yarn ragu-cli dev --file my-mfe.js --stateFile state.js --ssrEnabled

  4. Check the micro-frontend live http://localhost:3100/preview?number=1


    The state is always executed the server-side it means that the state will always be null when SSR is not enabled.

    Code Example

    The code of the examples above can be found here.