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Deployment 🚀

When you are ready to deploy your micro-frontend to a remote server, ragu-cli will make it easy.

Building the project to production#

The ragu-cli build command creates a production ready build. You should specify the --outputPath directory and the --baseUrl.

yarn ragu-cli build --file my-mfe.js --baseurl --outputPath build

If you don't specify the ouputPath it will assume the default directory .ragu-components.

The baseURL 🚨#

Ragu micro-frontends can be deployed anywhere, and it does not need to be deployed at the same domain of the main application. The manifest should contain information about where to Ragu should retrieve the static files. For this reason, the --baseUrl is required.

In the example above we are telling Ragu that the micro-frontend will be available at


After you run the build it will output at the terminal the list of all micro-frontends manifest location where they will be available after the deployment. Take a look to ensure that the --baseUrl is configured properly.

Production server#

To start the production server, you must provide the same parameters that were provided to the ragu-cli build command. Optionally you can provide a --port to define the port where Ragu server should listen to.

yarn ragu-cli serve --file my-mfe.js --baseurl --outputPath build --port 80

By default Ragu listen to the port 3100 when a --port is not specified.

Static Build (a.k.a. CDN deployment)#

If your micro-frontend does not require any SSR feature (Server Side Rendering section) you can use the static build. The static build does not require the Ragu serve and can be deployed at any CDN.

To create a static build all you need is to change the previous build command from build to static.

yarn ragu-cli static --file my-mfe.js --baseurl --outputPath build

Now you must deploy the content of the build directory into your static server/CDN in a way where the build path content should be available through at the defined --baseurl.

Consuming a micro-frontend from static build#

The manifest file generated as a json file. The example above will generate a file called build/my-mfe.json which must be used as manifest file. For example:

import {RaguComponent} from "ragu-client-react";
<RaguComponent src="" />

When using static build all SSR features will be disabled. That means that state files will be ignored.

Ragu server x Static Build#

You should use Ragu server when you want to enable all the SSR power to your micro-frontends. Otherwise static build is just fine.