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Design Goals

This section describes Ragu's design goals and its motivations. Ragu must be a simple and thin slice into your application. That means that it will not provide any custom API that is already offered by the browser. It is what makes Ragu simple to use and with a low learning curve.

Non complex parameter Rule#

As Ragu always injects components using the manifest file URL and query parameters. It turns unfeasible to provide complex objects to a micro-frontend. The reason behind this is that Ragu is not designed to expose simple front-end components such as a simple button. Ragu is designed to expose a business unit that can be used wherever you want.

We recommend you to provide only few parameter and fetch the required information to render a micro-frontend from the back-end (read about the bff pattern). It makes your micro-frontends less coupled with the main application and increases the "reusability" of your micro-frontend.

No global state control or custom communication protocol#

Ragu does not provide any API to share state between micro-frontends. There are two main reasons for that:

  1. Share a global state creates a hard coupling between micro-frontends.
  2. The DOM API has a sweet way to handle micro-frontends communication.

Event-driven micro-services communication#

Let's say you have a micro-frontend that should emit an event when something happens, like, for example, a button click.

const dispatchButtonClickEvent = () => {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('button-clicked'))
export default () => {
return <button onClick={() => dispatchButtonClickEvent()}>
Click me

Then every other micro-frontend or even the main application can listen to this event:

window.addEventListener('button-clicked', () => {
console.log('You clicked at the button!')

No custom APIs, no complexity. Just the DOM API.

Ragu is suitable for SPAs but is not one!#

Most micro-frontend frameworks/libraries comes with a Route system for SPA support. Ragu allows you to inject it into any framework. It is specially helpful because you don't need to learn a new tool or replace an already built application to use micro-frontends. You can inject Ragu into your React application that uses react-router and it will work perfectly.