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What is micro-frontends?

Coined at ThoughtWorks Technology Radar 2016' release. Micro-frontends extends the micro-services ideas into the front-end. Thought composition you can build a distributed front-end with independent deployment and with agnostic technology.

Ragu provides a simple and sophisticated API to injects micro-frontend into any application. A Ragu micro-frontend is like a back-end API endpoint where other applications can use. Actually, Ragu micro-frontend usages seems a lot similar of using a back-end API.

The micro-frontend API#

Now that you have setting up our front-end let's take a better look into the component API:

export default () => {
return {
html: 'Hello, World'

To inject the micro-frontend you need to provide the component manifest URL to one of the clients available.

You can load your micro-frontend using the vanilla client as showed bellow where http://localhost:3100 is the manifest URL:

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<ragu-component src="http://localhost:3100"></ragu-component>

The previous example outputs a Hello, World micro-frontend. Let's say, instead of Hello, World we want to receive the name which the micro-frontend will say Hello to.

Receiving parameters#

The micro-frontend receives the name that must be shown by a parameter:

export default ({params}) => {
return {
html: `Hello, ${}`

To inject the micro-frontend above you must provide the params as a URL query parameter:

<ragu-component src="http://localhost:3100/?name=Universe"></ragu-component>
Code Example

The example above can be found here

Receiving parameters at the preview#

To receive props at the preview all you must provide them thought query parameters:


Other properties#

There are few properties that is provided to a micro front-end. This section list them.


When true means that this component is been rendered at the server side:

export default ({params, isServer}) => {
return {
html: `Hello, ${} from ${isServer ? 'server' : 'browser'}`

Run the project without enabling the SSR:

yarn ragu-cli dev --file my-mfe.js

After opening the preview route (http://localhost:3100/preview?name=World) you must see Hello, World from browser at the browser.

Now, enable the SSR and do the same:

yarn ragu-cli dev --file my-mfe.js --ssrEnabled

Open the preview route again. Now, instead of from browser you wil see Hello, World from server.

Code Example

The example above can be found here


This property is used to transit information from server to client. Read more at the Server Side Rendering section.

From client side#

The properties listed bellow are available when isServer=false.


The container where the micro-frontend will be injected.

export default ({isServer, element}) => {
if (!isServer) {
element.addEventListener('click', () => alert('Thanks!'));
return {
html: `Click me`,
Code Example

The example above can be found here

From server side#

The properties listed bellow are available when isServer=true.


The express request object:


The RaguServerConfig.